Two weeks from tomorrow I will be leaving for a snowboarding trip in Aspen, CO. Thus far I have nothing packed. Nor do I have a packing list made although I have the intention of coming up with one by the end of this week. I know I'm bringing my snowboard, Luna, but the rest is a bit vague. What exactly is it about packing that makes me want to turn and run?
I travel now and then. Often on my own, many times with family and/or friends. Shouldn't I have some sort of insider knowledge on how to be a good packer? Natch. I can make a packing list.....when I get around to it. Heck, I can even accidently pack the packing list and spend a great deal of time trying to figure out where it disappeared to. But for some reason, the process of assembling clothes (and in this case, gear also) and lodging them in a travel container of some kind just seems so....annoying? boring? Definitely something I can do later....
I've always been a good procrastinator. I elevated it to an art form in my teens, turning a provincial 5 year high school program into 6 for me. Many a late night I had in college making endless cups of tea and chatting on MSN while furiously hoping my papers would write themselves while I slept for a few hours. One would think with all the stress this procrastinating behaviour brings about that I would finally learn to buckle down and get it done sooner rather than later but sadly, that is rarely the case.
People keep asking me if I'm excited about my impending trip yet. In a way, yes I am. On the other hand, I'm rather preoccupied with other stuff right now. If my trip last year is any indicator, I finally became truly excited about our journey to Zermatt when we stepped off the plane in Geneva. Using this as a potential forecast for this trip, I should be truly excited when I roll into Denver the night before reaching Aspen. This year I will be snowboarding again but in addition to riding Luna (my all around board), I'll get a chance to try out some carving boards. This brings a little anxiety along with the excitement.
p.s. my first two paragraphs seem destined to roll themselves into one no matter what I do. my apologies for the difficulty in reading this may present.
1 comment:
Packing should never been started any sooner than 11pm the night before you leave.
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